About Zatie's

Thank you for visiting Zatie's! We offer unique purses, handbags, and more all handmade from recycled books. Zatie's grew out of the cooperative efforts of two friends with a passion for books and an outpouring of creativity.

Tanya is a writer, editor and mom to two. (Learn more about all that at www.TanyaDennisBooks.com.) Zatie's started shortly after Tanya saw her first book purse. She says her eyes watered and her heart started palpitating. "My two greatest fetishes in one item!" She immediately starting working on a pattern of her own. That was in 2009. Within months her purses were shipping all over: from NYC and LA to London and Calgary. Here at Zatie's she does most of the designing and sewing.

Sabrina is an engineer, a mom to two and a children's book author who holds workshops around the nation. (Follow her books and speaking engagements at www.BabyEllington.net.) She joined Tanya at Zatie's in 2011 and has been a great force in publicity, marketing and new product development. Sabrina does a fabulous job with finding unusual books for us to recycle and unique fabrics to coordinate. She's also the creative fingers behind our custom beaded purse handles.

Contact Us: Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email us at ZatiesBooks@gmail.com